9 Cleaning Data in R
9.1 Common Data Problems
Converting data types
Before beginning to analyze any dataset, it’s important to take a look at the different types of columns from the. do that by using glimpse()
# Glimpse at bike_share_rides
## Rows: 35,229
## Columns: 10
## $ ride_id <int> 52797, 54540, 87695, 45619, 70832, 96135, 29928, 8333…
## $ date <chr> "2017-04-15", "2017-04-19", "2017-04-14", "2017-04-03…
## $ duration <chr> "1316.15 minutes", "8.13 minutes", "24.85 minutes", "…
## $ station_A_id <dbl> 67, 21, 16, 58, 16, 6, 5, 16, 5, 81, 30, 16, 16, 67, …
## $ station_A_name <chr> "San Francisco Caltrain Station 2 (Townsend St at 4t…
## $ station_B_id <dbl> 89, 64, 355, 368, 81, 66, 350, 91, 62, 81, 109, 10, 8…
## $ station_B_name <chr> "Division St at Potrero Ave", "5th St at Brannan St",…
## $ bike_id <dbl> 1974, 860, 2263, 1417, 507, 75, 388, 239, 1449, 3289,…
## $ user_gender <chr> "Male", "Male", "Male", "Male", "Male", "Male", "Male…
## $ user_birth_year <dbl> 1972, 1986, 1993, 1981, 1981, 1988, 1993, 1996, 1993,…
# Summary of user_birth_year
## Min. 1st Qu. Median Mean 3rd Qu. Max.
## 1900 1979 1986 1984 1991 2001
The summary statistics of user_birth_year
don’t seem to offer much useful information about the different birth years because the user_birth_year
column is a numeric
type and should be converted to a factor
Use dplyr
and assertive
packages to convert a column into a factor and assert/confirm whether a column is the type wanted or not.
Use as.___()
functions to convert objects to a new data type.
Use assert_is____()
functions to confirm an object’s data type.
# Convert user_birth_year to factor: user_birth_year_fct
<- bike_share_rides %>%
bike_share_rides mutate(user_birth_year_fct = as.factor(user_birth_year))
If the assert
, nothing will be outputted:
# Assert user_birth_year_fct is a factor
# Summary of user_birth_year_fct
## 1900 1902 1923 1931 1938 1939 1941 1942 1943 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 1950 1951
## 1 7 2 23 2 1 3 10 4 16 5 24 9 30 37 25
## 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967
## 70 49 65 66 112 62 156 99 196 161 256 237 245 349 225 363
## 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983
## 365 331 370 548 529 527 563 601 481 541 775 876 825 1016 1056 1262
## 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999
## 1157 1318 1606 1672 2135 1872 2062 1582 1703 1498 1476 1185 813 358 365 348
## 2000 2001
## 473 30
Trimming strings
Another common dirty data problem is having extra bits like percent signs or periods in numbers, causing them to be read in as character
Use str_remove()
to remove "minutes"
from the duration
column of bike_share_rides.
Add this as a new column called duration_trimmed
Convert the duration_trimmed
column to a numeric type and add this as a new column called duration_mins
at bike_share_rides
and assert
that the duration_mins
column is numeric
<- bike_share_rides %>%
bike_share_rides # Remove 'minutes' from duration: duration_trimmed
mutate(duration_trimmed = str_remove(duration, "minutes"),
# Convert duration_trimmed to numeric: duration_mins
duration_mins = as.numeric(duration_trimmed))
# Glimpse at bike_share_rides
## Rows: 35,229
## Columns: 13
## $ ride_id <int> 52797, 54540, 87695, 45619, 70832, 96135, 29928, …
## $ date <chr> "2017-04-15", "2017-04-19", "2017-04-14", "2017-0…
## $ duration <chr> "1316.15 minutes", "8.13 minutes", "24.85 minutes…
## $ station_A_id <dbl> 67, 21, 16, 58, 16, 6, 5, 16, 5, 81, 30, 16, 16, …
## $ station_A_name <chr> "San Francisco Caltrain Station 2 (Townsend St a…
## $ station_B_id <dbl> 89, 64, 355, 368, 81, 66, 350, 91, 62, 81, 109, 1…
## $ station_B_name <chr> "Division St at Potrero Ave", "5th St at Brannan …
## $ bike_id <dbl> 1974, 860, 2263, 1417, 507, 75, 388, 239, 1449, 3…
## $ user_gender <chr> "Male", "Male", "Male", "Male", "Male", "Male", "…
## $ user_birth_year <dbl> 1972, 1986, 1993, 1981, 1981, 1988, 1993, 1996, 1…
## $ user_birth_year_fct <fct> 1972, 1986, 1993, 1981, 1981, 1988, 1993, 1996, 1…
## $ duration_trimmed <chr> "1316.15 ", "8.13 ", "24.85 ", "6.35 ", "9.8 ", "…
## $ duration_mins <dbl> 1316.15, 8.13, 24.85, 6.35, 9.80, 17.47, 16.52, 1…
# Assert duration_mins is numeric
For more details, go to the String Wrangling section at the bottom of Transform your data chapter of Working with Data in the Tidyverse.
Range constraints
Values that are out of range can throw off an analysis, so it’s important to catch them early on.
examine the duration_min
column: Bikes are not allowed to be kept out more than 24 hours/1440 minutes at a time, but issues with some of the bikes caused inaccurate recording of the time they were returned.
Create a three-bin histogram of the duration_min
column of bike_share_rides
using ggplot2
to identify if there is out-of-range data.
Replace the values of duration_min
that are greater than 1440
minutes (24 hours) with 1440.
Add this to bike_share_rides
as a new column called duration_min_const
Assert that all values of duration_min_const
are between 0
and 1440
# Create breaks
<- c(min(bike_share_rides$duration_mins), 0, 1440, max(bike_share_rides$duration_mins))
# Create a histogram of duration_min
ggplot(bike_share_rides, aes(duration_mins)) +
geom_histogram(breaks = breaks)
# duration_min_const: replace vals of duration_min > 1440 with 1440
<- bike_share_rides %>%
bike_share_rides mutate(duration_min_const = replace(duration_mins, duration_mins > 1440, 1440))
# Make sure all values of duration_min_const are between 0 and 1440
assert_all_are_in_closed_range(bike_share_rides$duration_min_const, lower = 0, upper = 1440)
Something has gone wrong and there are data with dates from the future, which is way outside of the date range to be working with. To fix this, remove any rides from the dataset that have a date in the future.
Convert the date
column of bike_share_rides
from character
to the Date
data type.
that all values in the date
column happened sometime in the past and not in the future.
# Convert date to Date type
<- bike_share_rides %>%
bike_share_rides mutate(date = as.Date(date))
# Make sure all dates are in the past
## Warning: Coercing bike_share_rides$date to class 'POSIXct'.
Filter bike_share_rides
to get only the rides from the past or today, and save this as bike_share_rides_past.
that the dates in bike_share_rides_past
occurred only in the past.
# Filter for rides that occurred before or on today's date
<- bike_share_rides %>%
bike_share_rides_past filter(date <= today())
# Make sure all dates from bike_share_rides_past are in the past
## Warning: Coercing bike_share_rides_past$date to class 'POSIXct'.
Uniqueness constraints
When multiple rows of a data frame share the same values for all columns, they’re full duplicates of each other. Removing duplicates like this is important, since having the same value repeated multiple times can alter summary statistics like the mean
and median.
Get the total number of full duplicates in bike_share_rides
Remove all full duplicates from bike_share_rides
and save the new data frame as bike_share_rides_unique
Get the total number of full duplicates in the new bike_share_rides_unique
data frame.
# Count the number of full duplicates
## [1] 0
# Remove duplicates
<- distinct(bike_share_rides)
# Count the full duplicates in bike_share_rides_unique
## [1] 0
Identify any partial duplicates and then practice the most common technique to deal with them, which involves dropping all partial duplicates, keeping only the first.
Remove full and partial duplicates from bike_share_rides
based on ride_id
only, keeping all columns. Store this as bike_share_rides_unique
# Remove full and partial duplicates
<- bike_share_rides %>%
bike_share_rides_unique # Only based on ride_id instead of all cols
distinct(ride_id, .keep_all = TRUE)
# Find duplicated ride_ids in bike_share_rides_unique
bike_share_rides_unique # Count the number of occurrences of each ride_id
count(ride_id) %>%
# Filter for rows with a count > 1
filter(n > 1)
## # A tibble: 0 x 2
## # … with 2 variables: ride_id <int>, n <int>
Aggregating partial duplicates
Another way of handling partial duplicates is to compute a summary statistic of the values that differ between partial duplicates, such as mean
, median
, maximum
, or minimum.
This can come in handy when you’re not sure how your data was collected and want an average, or if based on domain knowledge, you’d rather have too high of an estimate than too low of an estimate (or vice versa).
bike_share_rides # Group by ride_id and date
group_by(ride_id, date) %>%
# Add duration_min_avg column
mutate(duration_min_avg = mean(duration_mins)) %>%
# Remove duplicates based on ride_id and date, keep all cols
distinct(ride_id, date, .keep_all = TRUE) %>%
# Remove duration_min column
## # A tibble: 35,229 x 14
## # Groups: ride_id, date [35,229]
## ride_id date duration station_A_id station_A_name station_B_id
## <int> <date> <chr> <dbl> <chr> <dbl>
## 1 52797 2017-04-15 1316.15… 67 San Francisco… 89
## 2 54540 2017-04-19 8.13 mi… 21 Montgomery St… 64
## 3 87695 2017-04-14 24.85 m… 16 Steuart St at… 355
## 4 45619 2017-04-03 6.35 mi… 58 Market St at … 368
## 5 70832 2017-04-10 9.8 min… 16 Steuart St at… 81
## 6 96135 2017-04-18 17.47 m… 6 The Embarcade… 66
## 7 29928 2017-04-22 16.52 m… 5 Powell St BAR… 350
## 8 83331 2017-04-11 14.72 m… 16 Steuart St at… 91
## 9 72424 2017-04-05 4.12 mi… 5 Powell St BAR… 62
## 10 25910 2017-04-20 25.77 m… 81 Berry St at 4… 81
## # … with 35,219 more rows, and 8 more variables: station_B_name <chr>,
## # bike_id <dbl>, user_gender <chr>, user_birth_year <dbl>,
## # user_birth_year_fct <fct>, duration_trimmed <chr>,
## # duration_min_const <dbl>, duration_min_avg <dbl>
9.2 Categorical and Text Data
Membership data range
A categorical data column would sometime have a limited range of observations that can be classified into membership list. Observations that doesn’t belong to this membership are outliers, and wouldn’t make sense.
the number of occurrences of each dest_size
in sfo_survey
, " Small "
, "Large "
, and " Hub"
appear to violate membership constraints.
# Count the number of occurrences of dest_size
sfo_survey count(dest_size)
## dest_size n
## 1 Small 1
## 2 Hub 1
## 3 Hub 1756
## 4 Large 143
## 5 Large 1
## 6 Medium 682
## 7 Small 225
Use the correct filtering join on sfo_survey
and dest_sizes
to get the rows of sfo_survey
that have a valid dest_size
<- structure(list(dest_size = c("Small", "Medium", "Large", "Hub"
dest_sizes passengers_per_day = structure(c(1L, 3L, 4L, 2L), .Label = c("0-20K",
), "100K+", "20K-70K", "70K-100K"), class = "factor")), .Names = c("dest_size",
"passengers_per_day"), row.names = c(NA, -4L), class = "data.frame")
# Remove bad dest_size rows
sfo_survey # Join with dest_sizes
semi_join(dest_sizes, by = "dest_size")%>%
# Count the number of each dest_size
## dest_size n
## 1 Hub 1756
## 2 Large 143
## 3 Medium 682
## 4 Small 225
Identifying inconsistency
Sometimes, there are different kinds of inconsistencies that can occur within categories, making it look like a variable has more categories than it should.
Examine the dest_size
column again as well as the cleanliness
column and determine what kind of issues, if any, these two categorical variables face.
Count the number of occurrences of each category of the dest_size
variable of sfo_survey
. The categories in dest_size
have inconsistent white space:
# Count dest_size
sfo_survey count(dest_size)
## dest_size n
## 1 Small 1
## 2 Hub 1
## 3 Hub 1756
## 4 Large 143
## 5 Large 1
## 6 Medium 682
## 7 Small 225
Count the number of occurrences of each category of the cleanliness
variable of sfo_survey
. The categories in cleanliness
have inconsistent capitalization.
# Count cleanliness
sfo_survey count(cleanliness)
## cleanliness n
## 1 Average 433
## 2 Clean 970
## 3 Dirty 2
## 4 Somewhat clean 1254
## 5 Somewhat dirty 30
## 6 <NA> 120
Correcting inconsistency
has whitespace inconsistencies and cleanliness has capitalization inconsistencies, use the new tools to fix the inconsistent values in sfo_survey
instead of removing the data points entirely.
Add a column to sfo_survey
called dest_size_trimmed
that contains the values in the dest_size
column with all leading and trailing whitespace removed.
Add another column called cleanliness_lower
that contains the values in the cleanliness
column converted to all lowercase.
# Add new columns to sfo_survey
<- sfo_survey %>%
sfo_survey # dest_size_trimmed: dest_size without whitespace
mutate(dest_size_trimmed = str_trim(dest_size),
# cleanliness_lower: cleanliness converted to lowercase
cleanliness_lower = str_to_lower(cleanliness))
# Count values of dest_size_trimmed
sfo_survey count(dest_size_trimmed)
## dest_size_trimmed n
## 1 Hub 1757
## 2 Large 144
## 3 Medium 682
## 4 Small 226
# Count values of cleanliness_lower
sfo_survey count(cleanliness_lower)
## cleanliness_lower n
## 1 average 433
## 2 clean 970
## 3 dirty 2
## 4 somewhat clean 1254
## 5 somewhat dirty 30
## 6 <NA> 120
Collapsing categories
Sometimes, there are observations that have input error that make it slightly different from the group it should belong to. Collapse(merge, or cover the error over with an umbrella group) to simply, fix the variable:
# Count categories of dest_region
sfo_survey count(dest_region)
## dest_region n
## 1 Asia 260
## 2 Australia/New Zealand 66
## 3 Canada/Mexico 220
## 4 Central/South America 29
## 5 East US 498
## 6 Europe 401
## 7 Middle East 79
## 8 Midwest US 281
## 9 West US 975
, "eur"
, and "Europ"
need to be collapsed to "Europe"
Create a vector called europe_categories
containing the three values of dest_region
that need to be collapsed.
Add a new column to sfo_survey
called dest_region_collapsed
that contains the values from the dest_region
column, except the categories stored in europe_categories
should be collapsed to Europe.
# Count categories of dest_region
sfo_survey count(dest_region)
## dest_region n
## 1 Asia 260
## 2 Australia/New Zealand 66
## 3 Canada/Mexico 220
## 4 Central/South America 29
## 5 East US 498
## 6 Europe 401
## 7 Middle East 79
## 8 Midwest US 281
## 9 West US 975
# Categories to map to Europe
<- c("Europ", "eur", "EU")
# Add a new col dest_region_collapsed
sfo_survey # Map all categories in europe_categories to Europe
mutate(dest_region_collapsed = fct_collapse(dest_region,
Europe = europe_categories)) %>%
# Count categories of dest_region_collapsed
## Warning: Problem with `mutate()` input `dest_region_collapsed`.
## ℹ Unknown levels in `f`: Europ, eur, EU
## ℹ Input `dest_region_collapsed` is `fct_collapse(dest_region, Europe = europe_categories)`.
## dest_region_collapsed n
## 1 Asia 260
## 2 Australia/New Zealand 66
## 3 Canada/Mexico 220
## 4 Central/South America 29
## 5 East US 498
## 6 Europe 401
## 7 Middle East 79
## 8 Midwest US 281
## 9 West US 975
For more details, go to the (How To Collapse/Merge Levels) section of Manipulating Factor Variables chapter of Categorical Data in the Tidyverse.
Detecting inconsistent text data
Sometimes, in a column, there are inconsistent observations in different formats.
Filter for rows with phone numbers that contain "("
, or ")"
. Remember to use fixed()
when searching for parentheses.
1:10,] %>%
sfo_survey[filter(str_detect(safety, "safe") | str_detect(safety, "danger"))
## id day airline destination dest_region dest_size
## 1 1844 Monday TURKISH AIRLINES ISTANBUL Middle East Hub
## 2 1840 Monday TURKISH AIRLINES ISTANBUL Middle East Hub
## 3 1837 Monday TURKISH AIRLINES ISTANBUL Middle East Hub
## 4 3010 Wednesday AMERICAN MIAMI East US Hub
## 5 1838 Monday TURKISH AIRLINES ISTANBUL Middle East Hub
## 6 1845 Monday TURKISH AIRLINES ISTANBUL Middle East Hub
## 7 2097 Monday UNITED INTL MEXICO CITY Canada/Mexico Hub
## 8 1846 Monday TURKISH AIRLINES ISTANBUL Middle East Hub
## boarding_area dept_time wait_min cleanliness safety
## 1 Gates 91-102 2018-12-31 315 Somewhat clean Somewhat safe
## 2 Gates 91-102 2018-12-31 165 Average Somewhat safe
## 3 Gates 91-102 2018-12-31 225 Somewhat clean Somewhat safe
## 4 Gates 50-59 2018-12-31 88 Somewhat clean Very safe
## 5 Gates 91-102 2018-12-31 195 Somewhat clean Very safe
## 6 Gates 91-102 2018-12-31 135 Average Somewhat safe
## 7 Gates 91-102 2018-12-31 145 Somewhat clean Somewhat safe
## 8 Gates 91-102 2018-12-31 145 Clean Somewhat safe
## satisfaction dest_size_trimmed cleanliness_lower
## 1 Somewhat satsified Hub somewhat clean
## 2 Somewhat satsified Hub average
## 3 Somewhat satsified Hub somewhat clean
## 4 Somewhat satsified Hub somewhat clean
## 5 Somewhat satsified Hub somewhat clean
## 6 Somewhat satsified Hub average
## 7 Somewhat satsified Hub somewhat clean
## 8 Somewhat satsified Hub clean
For more details, go to the String Wrangling section at the bottom of Transform your data chapter of Working with Data in the Tidyverse.
Replacing and removing
The str_remove_all()
function will remove all instances of the string passed to it.
1:10,] %>%
sfo_survey[mutate(safe_or_not = str_remove_all(safety, "Somewhat")) %>%
select(airline, safe_or_not)
## airline safe_or_not
## 6 AMERICAN Very safe
## 9 UNITED INTL safe
Again, go to the String Wrangling section at the bottom of Transform your data
Filter/select observations with certain length
The str_length()
function takes in a character vector, returns a number for each element that indicates the length of each element.
<- sfo_survey %>%
clean_only filter(str_length(cleanliness_lower) == 5)
1:10,] %>%
clean_only[select(airline, cleanliness_lower)
## airline cleanliness_lower
## 8 UNITED clean
## 9 UNITED clean
## 10 FRONTIER clean
9.3 Advanced Data Problems
Date uniformity
Make sure that the accounts
dataset doesn’t contain any uniformity problems. In this exercise, investigate the date_opened
column and clean it up so that all the dates are in the same format.
By default, as.Date()
can’t convert "Month DD, YYYY"
## [1] "2003-10-19" NA "2008-07-29" "2005-06-09" "2012-03-31"
## [6] "2007-06-20" NA "2019-06-03" "2011-05-07" "2018-04-07"
## [11] "2018-11-16" "2001-04-16" "2005-04-21" "2006-06-13" "2009-01-07"
## [16] "2012-07-07" NA NA "2004-05-21" "2001-09-06"
## [21] "2005-04-09" "2009-10-20" "2003-05-16" "2015-10-25" NA
## [26] NA NA "2008-12-27" "2015-11-11" "2009-02-26"
## [31] "2008-12-26" NA NA "2005-12-13" NA
## [36] "2004-12-03" "2016-10-19" NA "2009-10-05" "2013-07-11"
## [41] "2002-03-24" "2015-10-17" NA NA "2019-11-12"
## [46] NA NA "2019-10-01" "2000-08-17" "2001-04-11"
## [51] NA "2016-06-30" NA NA "2013-05-23"
## [56] "2017-02-24" NA "2004-11-02" "2019-03-06" "2018-09-01"
## [61] NA "2002-12-31" "2013-07-27" "2014-01-10" "2011-12-14"
## [66] NA "2008-03-01" "2018-05-07" "2017-11-23" NA
## [71] "2008-09-27" NA "2008-01-07" NA "2005-05-11"
## [76] "2003-08-12" NA NA NA "2014-11-25"
## [81] NA NA NA "2008-04-01" NA
## [86] "2002-10-01" "2011-03-25" "2000-07-11" "2014-10-19" NA
## [91] "2013-06-20" "2008-01-16" "2016-06-24" NA NA
## [96] "2007-04-29" NA NA
For more details, go to the Date Formats section of Utilities chapter of Intermediate R.
Convert the dates in the date_opened
column to the same format using the formats
vector and store this as a new column called date_opened_clean
# Define the date formats
<- c("%Y-%m-%d", "%B %d, %Y")
# Convert dates to the same format
1:10,] %>%
accounts[mutate(date_opened_clean = parse_date_time(date_opened, formats))
## id date_opened total date_opened_clean
## 1 A880C79F 2003-10-19 169305 2003-10-19
## 2 BE8222DF October 05, 2018 107460 2018-10-05
## 3 19F9E113 2008-07-29 15297152 2008-07-29
## 4 A2FE52A3 2005-06-09 14897272 2005-06-09
## 5 F6DC2C08 2012-03-31 124568 2012-03-31
## 6 D2E55799 2007-06-20 13635752 2007-06-20
## 7 53AE87EF December 01, 2017 15375984 2017-12-01
## 8 3E97F253 2019-06-03 14515800 2019-06-03
## 9 4AE79EA1 2011-05-07 23338536 2011-05-07
## 10 2322DFB4 2018-04-07 189524 2018-04-07
Currency uniformity
Now that dates are in order, correct any unit differences. First, plot the data, there’s a group of very high values, and a group of relatively lower values. The bank has two different offices - one in New York, and one in Tokyo, so the accounts managed by the Tokyo office are in Japanese yen instead of U.S.
Create a scatter plot with date_opened
on the x-axis and total
on the y-axis:
# Scatter plot of opening date and total amount
accounts ggplot(aes(x = date_opened, y = total)) +
Left join accounts
and account_offices
by their id
Convert the totals
from the Tokyo office from yen to dollars, and keep the total
from the New York office in dollars. Store this as a new column called total_usd
# Left join accounts to account_offices by id
1:10,] %>%
accounts[left_join(account_offices, by = "id") %>%
# Convert totals from the Tokyo office to USD
mutate(total_usd = ifelse(office == "Tokyo", total / 104, total))
## id date_opened total office total_usd
## 1 A880C79F 2003-10-19 169305 New York 169305
## 2 BE8222DF October 05, 2018 107460 New York 107460
## 3 19F9E113 2008-07-29 15297152 Tokyo 147088
## 4 A2FE52A3 2005-06-09 14897272 Tokyo 143243
## 5 F6DC2C08 2012-03-31 124568 New York 124568
## 6 D2E55799 2007-06-20 13635752 Tokyo 131113
## 7 53AE87EF December 01, 2017 15375984 Tokyo 147846
## 8 3E97F253 2019-06-03 14515800 Tokyo 139575
## 9 4AE79EA1 2011-05-07 23338536 Tokyo 224409
## 10 2322DFB4 2018-04-07 189524 New York 189524
Cross field validation
Cross field validation basically means cross-checking/comparing with other columns to make sure the compared column values make sense.
There are three different funds that account holders can store their money in. In this exercise, validate whether the total amount in each account is equal to the sum of the amount in fund_A
, fund_B
, and fund_C
Create a new column called theoretical_total
that contains the sum of the amounts in each fund.
Find the accounts where the total
doesn’t match the theoretical_total
# Find invalid totals
accounts_funds # theoretical_total: sum of the three funds
mutate(theoretical_total = fund_A + fund_B + fund_C) %>%
# Find accounts where total doesn't match theoretical_total
filter(theoretical_total != total)
## id date_opened total fund_A fund_B fund_C acct_age theoretical_total
## 1 D5EB0F00 2001-04-16 130920 69487 48681 56408 19 174576
## 2 92C237C6 2005-12-13 85362 72556 21739 19537 15 113832
## 3 0E5B69F5 2018-05-07 134488 88475 44383 46475 2 179333
Validating age
Now that some inconsistencies in the total
amounts been found, there may also be inconsistencies in the acct_age
column, maybe these inconsistencies are related. Validate the age of each account and see if rows with inconsistent acct_age
s are the same ones that had inconsistent total
Create a new column called theoretical_age
that contains the age of each account based on the date_opened.
Find the accounts where the acct_age
doesn’t match the theoretical_age.
# Find invalid acct_age
accounts_funds # theoretical_age: age of acct based on date_opened
mutate(theoretical_age = floor(as.numeric(date_opened %--% today(), "years"))) %>%
# Filter for rows where acct_age is different from theoretical_age
filter(acct_age != theoretical_age)
## id date_opened total fund_A fund_B fund_C acct_age theoretical_age
## 1 11C3C3C0 2017-12-24 180003 84295 31591 64117 2 3
## 2 64EF994F 2009-02-26 161141 89269 25939 45933 11 12
## 3 BE411172 2017-02-24 170096 86735 56580 26781 3 4
## 4 EA7FF83A 2004-11-02 111526 86856 19406 5264 15 16
## 5 14A2DDB7 2019-03-06 123163 49666 25407 48090 1 2
## 6 C5C6B79D 2008-03-01 188424 61972 69266 57186 12 13
## 7 41BBB7B4 2005-02-22 144229 26449 83938 33842 15 16
## 8 E699DF01 2008-02-17 199603 84788 47808 67007 12 13
## 9 3627E08A 2008-04-01 238104 60475 89011 88618 11 12
## 10 48F5E6D8 2020-02-16 135435 29123 23204 83108 0 1
## 11 65EAC615 2004-02-20 140191 20108 46764 73319 16 17
Visualizing missing data
Dealing with missing data is one of the most common tasks in data science. There are a variety of types of missingness, as well as a variety of types of solutions to missing data.
A new version of the accounts data frame containing data on the amount held
and amount invested
for new and existing customers. However, there are rows with missing inv_amount
Visualize the missing values in accounts
by column using vis_miss()
from the visdat
# Visualize the missing values by column
Most customers below 25 do not have investment accounts yet, and suspect it could be driving the missingness.
accounts_inv # missing_inv: Is inv_amount missing?
mutate(missing_inv = is.na(inv_amount)) %>%
# Group by missing_inv
group_by(missing_inv) %>%
# Calculate mean age for each missing_inv group
summarize(avg_age = mean(age))
## # A tibble: 2 x 2
## missing_inv avg_age
## * <lgl> <dbl>
## 1 FALSE 43.6
## 2 TRUE 21.8
Since the average age for TRUE
is 22
and the average age for FALSE
is 44
, it is likely that the inv_amount
variable is missing mostly in young customers.
# Sort by age and visualize missing vals
accounts_inv arrange(age) %>%
9.4 Record Linkage
is used to identify how similar two strings are. As a reminder, Damerau-Levenshtein
is the minimum number of steps needed to get from String A to String B, using these operations:
Insertion of a new character.
Deletion of an existing character.
Substitution of an existing character.
Transposition of two existing consecutive characters.
Use the stringdist
package to compute string distances using various methods.
# Calculate Damerau-Levenshtein distance
stringdist("las angelos", "los angeles", method = "dl")
## [1] 2
LCS (Longest Common Subsequence) only considers Insertion and Deletion.
# Calculate LCS distance
stringdist("las angelos", "los angeles", method = "lcs")
## [1] 4
# Calculate Jaccard distance
stringdist("las angelos", "los angeles", method = "jaccard")
## [1] 0
Fixing typos with string distance
, is a set of restaurants in New York, Los Angeles, Atlanta, San Francisco, and Las Vegas. The data is from Zagat, a company that collects restaurant reviews, and includes the restaurant names, addresses, phone numbers, as well as other restaurant information.
The city
column contains the name of the city that the restaurant is located in. However, there are a number of typos throughout the column. Map each city
to one of the five correctly-spelled cities contained in the cities
data frame.
Left join zagat
and cities
based on string distance using the city
and city_actual
function from the fuzzyjoin
package that allows you to do a stringdist
left join.
# Count the number of each city variation
1:10,] %>%
## city n
## 1 llos angeles 1
## 2 lo angeles 2
## 3 los anegeles 1
## 4 los angeles 6
# Join and look at results
1:10,] %>%
zagat[# Left join based on stringdist using city and city_actual cols
stringdist_left_join(cities, by = c("city" = "city_actual")) %>%
# Select the name, city, and city_actual cols
select(name, city, city_actual)
## name city city_actual
## 1 apple pan the llos angeles los angeles
## 2 asahi ramen los angeles los angeles
## 3 baja fresh los angeles los angeles
## 4 belvedere the los angeles los angeles
## 5 benita's frites lo angeles los angeles
## 6 bernard's los angeles los angeles
## 7 bistro 45 lo angeles los angeles
## 8 brighton coffee shop los angeles los angeles
## 9 bristol farms market cafe los anegeles los angeles
## 10 cafe'50s los angeles los angeles
Record linkage
record linkage is the act of linking data from different sources regarding the same entity. But unlike joins, record linkage does not require exact matches between different pairs of data, and instead can find close matches using string similarity. This is why record linkage is effective when there are no common unique keys between the data sources you can rely upon when linking data sources such as a unique identifier.
Pair blocking
Generate all possible pairs, and then use newly-cleaned city
column as a blocking variable. A blocking variable is helpful when the dataset is too big and you don’t want to compare/match all the possible pairs with each every one of the observations.
# Generate pairs with same city
pair_blocking(zagat, fodors, blocking_var = "city")
## Simple blocking
## Blocking variable(s): city
## First data set: 310 records
## Second data set: 533 records
## Total number of pairs: 27 694 pairs
## ldat with 27 694 rows and 2 columns
## x y
## 1 2 1
## 2 2 2
## 3 2 3
## 4 2 4
## 5 2 5
## 6 2 6
## 7 2 7
## 8 2 8
## 9 2 9
## 10 2 10
## : : :
## 27685 307 524
## 27686 307 525
## 27687 307 526
## 27688 307 527
## 27689 307 528
## 27690 307 529
## 27691 307 530
## 27692 307 531
## 27693 307 532
## 27694 307 533
Comparing pairs
Compare pairs by name
, phone
, and addr
using jaro_winkler()
can take in a character
vector of column names as the by
# Generate pairs
pair_blocking(zagat, fodors, blocking_var = "city") %>%
# Compare pairs by name, phone, addr
compare_pairs(by = c("name", "phone", "addr"),
default_comparator = jaro_winkler())
## Compare
## By: name, phone, addr
## Simple blocking
## Blocking variable(s): city
## First data set: 310 records
## Second data set: 533 records
## Total number of pairs: 27 694 pairs
## ldat with 27 694 rows and 5 columns
## x y name phone addr
## 1 2 1 0.4959307 0.7152778 0.5948270
## 2 2 2 0.6197391 0.6269841 0.6849415
## 3 2 3 0.4737762 0.8222222 0.5754386
## 4 2 4 0.4131313 0.6111111 0.6435407
## 5 2 5 0.6026936 0.6527778 0.6132376
## 6 2 6 0.5819625 0.7361111 0.6108862
## 7 2 7 0.4242424 0.6111111 0.6207899
## 8 2 8 0.4303030 0.5555556 0.5566188
## 9 2 9 0.4559885 0.6666667 0.6283892
## 10 2 10 0.5798461 0.7152778 0.4885965
## : : : : : :
## 27685 307 524 0.6309524 0.7361111 0.6574074
## 27686 307 525 0.3683473 0.6666667 0.6650327
## 27687 307 526 0.5306878 0.7962963 0.4888889
## 27688 307 527 0.4841270 0.7407407 0.6499183
## 27689 307 528 0.4285714 0.6666667 0.5882173
## 27690 307 529 0.5026455 0.6111111 0.6357143
## 27691 307 530 0.4087302 0.6666667 0.5470085
## 27692 307 531 0.5591479 0.7407407 0.8141026
## 27693 307 532 0.4226190 0.7222222 0.5004274
## 27694 307 533 0.4005602 0.6746032 0.6119048
Scoring and linking
All that’s left to do is score and select pairs and link the data together.
The score_problink()
function will score using probabilities, while score_simsum()
will score by summing each column’s similarity score.
Use select_n_to_m()
to select the pairs that are considered matches.
Use link()
to link the two data frames together.
# Create pairs
<- pair_blocking(zagat, fodors, blocking_var = "city") %>%
paired_data # Compare pairs
compare_pairs(by = "name", default_comparator = jaro_winkler()) %>%
# Score pairs
score_problink() %>%
# Select pairs
select_n_to_m() %>%
# Link data
## Warning: `group_by_()` is deprecated as of dplyr 0.7.0.
## Please use `group_by()` instead.
## See vignette('programming') for more help
## This warning is displayed once every 8 hours.
## Call `lifecycle::last_warnings()` to see where this warning was generated.
1:10,] paired_data[
## id.x name.x addr.x city.x
## 1 1 asahi ramen 2027 sawtelle blvd. los angeles
## 2 2 baja fresh 3345 kimber dr. los angeles
## 3 3 belvedere the 9882 little santa monica blvd. los angeles
## 4 5 bernard's 515 s. olive st. los angeles
## 5 8 brighton coffee shop 9600 brighton way los angeles
## 6 11 cafe'50s 838 lincoln blvd. los angeles
## 7 12 cafe blanc 9777 little santa monica blvd. los angeles
## 8 19 feast from the east 1949 westwood blvd. los angeles
## 9 20 gumbo pot the 6333 w. third st. los angeles
## 10 22 indo cafe 10428 1/2 national blvd. los angeles
## phone.x type.x id.y name.y
## 1 310-479-2231 noodle shops 141 harry's bar & american grill
## 2 805-498-4049 mexican 120 broadway deli
## 3 310-788-2306 pacific new wave 13 locanda veneta
## 4 213-612-1580 continental 133 drai's
## 5 310-276-7732 coffee shops 139 gladstone's
## 6 310-399-1955 american 123 cafe pinot
## 7 310-888-0108 pacific new wave 3 cafe bizou
## 8 310-475-0400 chinese 148 le dome
## 9 213-933-0358 cajun/creole 124 california pizza kitchen
## 10 310-815-1290 indonesian 173 vida
## addr.y city.y phone.y
## 1 2020 ave. of the stars los angeles 310-277-2333
## 2 3rd st. promenade los angeles 310-451-0616
## 3 3rd st. los angeles 310-274-1893
## 4 730 n. la cienega blvd. los angeles 310-358-8585
## 5 4 fish 17300 pacific coast hwy . at sunset blvd. los angeles 310-454-3474
## 6 700 w. fifth st. los angeles 213-239-6500
## 7 14016 ventura blvd. los angeles 818-788-3536
## 8 8720 sunset blvd. los angeles 310-659-6919
## 9 207 s. beverly dr. los angeles 310-275-1101
## 10 1930 north hillhurst ave. los angeles 213-660-4446
## type.y class
## 1 italian 138
## 2 american 117
## 3 italian 13
## 4 french 130
## 5 american 136
## 6 californian 120
## 7 french 3
## 8 french 145
## 9 californian 121
## 10 american 170